Lomo B&W 400 Simple Use Disposable Camera

Lomography B&W 400 Simple Use Single Use Camera
Rating: ★★★☆☆
27 exposure C-41 XP2 black & White 400 iso film with flash
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This camera is truly unique due to the fact that it has the classic true B&W HP5 Plus 400 iso film in it. While the Ilford HP5 Single Use has more noticeable grain than Ilford XP2 Single Use the tones, contrast, grain, and exposure latitude are far superior – just look at the details in the shadows! (photos below). This b&w disposable camera is a great overall shoot that performs well in open daylight, low light without flash, and in low light with flash. Of all 3 B&W disposables, this the one recommend most. Even though you could reload HP5 film in a Lomo Simple Use, the Ilford plastic optics are still sharper.

Lomography B&W 400 Simple Use Disposable Camera

Photos taken with the Lomography B&W 400 Simple Use Camera

Film Developing CTA

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