A San Clemente, CA morning captured on BWXX film

A beautiful San Clemente, CA morning captured on @cinestillfilm BWXX at 200iso.  We love how BWXX captured the morning light, especially with the first image below, which if you look closely you can see a rainbow!  This film is great in 35mm but even better in 120 and we can’t wait to shoot more of it.

Cinestill BWXX 35mm filmFilm Index

Rated 4.5 out of 5
4.5 out of 5 stars (based on 2 reviews)
CineStill BwXX is a variable speed, classic black & white film emulsion, with an EI of 250 under daylight and 200 under tungsten lighting.  Double-X is a classic black and white film stock left relatively unchanged since its release in 1959 for still and motion picture use.

Check out our Film Index to learn more about this film and see how it compares to other B&W stocks.

Images shot with a Mamiya 7, 65mm F/4 200iso.



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