220 Film

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220 Film

220 film, introduced in 1965, is the same width as 120, but with double length (144 cm) and thus twice the number of exposures per roll. ISO 732 also specifies the dimensions of 220 film. Unlike 120, there is no backing paper behind the film itself, just a leader and a trailer. This allows a longer film on the same spool, but as a result there are no printed frame numbers for old cameras that have red window as frame indicator. (Moreover, light from the window would fog the film.) Also, since the film alone is thinner than a film with a backing paper, a differently positioned pressure plate may be required to achieve optimal focus. Some cameras capable of using both 120 and 220 film will have a two-position adjustment of the pressure plate (as well as a switch elsewhere to adjust winding), while others will require different film backs.

There is only a small choice of 220 film now (2009) available; for example, there is only one kind of black and white film (from Kodak).

The great majority of cameras for 220 film also take 120 film, but at least one model of Linhof only takes 220.

TDR Film Developing

Film Format Guide