Great for landscapes
Beginner photographer here. I’ve been shooting 35mm for about a year. I can definitely tell you that in optimum daylight, Ektar is the way to go for bold, color-rich pictures. Today I went to shoot a roll of Ektar at a local lake park in Dallas, right after I’d finished a roll of Portra 160. I did hedge my bets sometimes by setting my aperture half a stop down from the recommended light reading, but even the ones with the recommended settings are pretty awesome. Especially in comparison to Portra 160, the Ektar pictures are vibrantly colorful and sharp. Happy shooting!Show more
Warm Fine Grain
This was my first ISO 100 Color Negative film. I used it outdoors just as the first fall colors emerged and also in the studio on a tripod. The film did its job well.
The Landscape Photographer's film.
Ektar 100 is sharp, saturated, and loaded with color pop. Loves light like no other. Narrow latitude. But expose it carefully, give it some scenery under great light, postcards will fly out of the back of your camera if the composition is right. A great alternative to Fuji Velvia and easy C-41 processing and scans.Show more